No One Will Save You : Release Date,Cast and Crew,Trailer,About

No One Will Save You Release Date :

September 19, 2023.

No One Will Save You Release Date

No One Will Save You Cast and Crew :

Kaitlyn DeverBrynnThe protagonist, a young woman living in isolation.
Elizabeth KaluevYoung BrynnBrynn as a child (flashbacks).
Zack DuhameMailmanA brief appearance by a seemingly ordinary character.
Lauren L. MurrayBrynn’s MotherSeen in flashbacks.
Geraldine SingerMrs. CollinsA neighbor, potentially possessed by an alien.
Dane RhodesPolice Chief CollinsMrs. Collins’ husband, potentially possessed by an alien.
No One Will Save You Cast and Crew
Writer & DirectorBrian Duffield
ProducersAllan Mandelbaum, Brian Duffield, Tim White, Trevor White
Production CoordinatorDes Matelske
Unit Production ManagerJustin Moritt

No One Will Save You Trailer :

No One Will Save You About :

Brynn, a young woman residing on the outskirts of a small town, carries the weight of grief. The loss of her mother and best friend has shrouded her life in a quiet solitude. She finds solace in meticulously crafting miniature models of her surroundings, a way to capture the world outside her isolation.

No One Will Save You About

One unsettling night, the tranquility shatters. A horrifying, humanoid alien creature breaks into Brynn’s home. A desperate struggle erupts, fueled by pure terror and her will to survive. Using her resourcefulness and the familiarity of her home, Brynn manages to outsmart and ultimately kill the creature.

But venturing outside seeking help, Brynn stumbles upon a horrifying truth. The seemingly idyllic town is no more. The alien menace has infiltrated the townspeople, possessing their bodies and turning them into grotesque parodies of their former selves.

Also Read : Thanksgiving : Release Date,Cast and Crew,Trailer,About

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